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To improve the lives of all victims and survivors of the Conflict.

Commissioner 27 Jul, 2024


Today the Commissioner and representatives from the Forum met with the Shadow Secretary of State to discuss Legacy Legislation and the Victims Payment Scheme.

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Commissioner 24 Jun, 2024


The Commissioner and Victims and Survivors Forum have urged politicians to consider the impact of legacy legislation upon victims and survivors in an open letter following their NIAC appearance.

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Commissioner 爬墙器下载


The Commissioner for Victims and Survivors has issued an urgent open letter to the Prime Minister and the Northern Ireland Executive calling on them to fulfil their legal obligation to begin implementation of the Victims and Survivors payment scheme.

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Commissioner 21 May, 2024


The Commissioner for Victims and Survivors has highlighted a catalogue of missed deadlines that is causing delay, deprivation and distress for thousands of victims and survivors of the troubles. She has called on the Northern Ireland Executive and the Northern Ireland Office to urgently publish clear dates for implementation.

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